giovedì 24 ottobre 2019

Un’isola di plastica grande tre volte la Francia nel mezzo del Pacifico. Come si è formata?
Un’isola di plastica grande tre volte la Francia nel mezzo del #Pacifico. Come si è formata? Guardate questo video, impressionante! 1,6 milioni di chilometri quadrati di rifiuti e microplastiche tracciati e monitorati dai ricercatori dagli anni ‘80 ad oggi

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch spans 1.6 million square kilometers and consumes microplastics and pollution in the ocean. Here is its formation as simulated in the Model for Prediction Across Scales Ocean (MPAS-O), where Lagrangian particles were seeded within the model and advected at model run time.
Un’isola di plastica grande tre volte la Francia nel mezzo del #Pacifico. Come si è formata?
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch spans 1.6 million square kilometers and consumes microplastics and pollution in the ocean. Here is its formation as simulated in the Model for Prediction Across Scales Ocean (MPAS-O), where Lagrangian particles were seeded within the model and advected at model run time.
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The Great Pacific Garbage Patch spans 1.6 million square kilometers and consumes microplastics and pollution in the ocean. Here is its formation as simulated in…

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