a cura dell'Ufficio Stampa
YOUTH4CLIMATE – Hatim Aznague, delegato 2021 per il Marocco: “I giovani sono vittime dei cambiamenti climatici, ma sono soprattutto attori del cambiamento per un futuro sostenibile” All’evento sull’educazione per la biodiversità “Nature in Mind”, organizzato lo scorso 20 maggio dai Carabinieri a Palazzo Rospigliosi a Roma, abbiamo incontrato Hatim Aznague, ventiquattrenne attivista con diversi ruoli in enti internazionali e sovranazionali, Onu compreso, e giovane delegato per il Marocco allo Youth4Climate Milano e Glasgow. A lui abbiamo chiesto di raccontarci della sua esperienza e delle sue aspettative di giovane delegato per il clima“Youth4Climate Manifesto, is not only a document that expresses the views of young people from different countries of the world to combat climate change, it is a global commitment made by young people to set an example in cooperation, communication and action for a sustainable future.” These are the words with which I began my participation in the international event in Rome “Nature in Mind”. Through this participation, I emphasized the ideas implemented by young people at the Youth4Climate Summit and how innovative solutions were proposed to support nature-conscious education. My participation in this event was honored by a meeting with Prof Roberto Cingolani, Minister of Ecological Transition, has been championing climate action, who was happy to hear that the youth had the ability to plead and defend his proposals included in Youth4Climate Manifesto. Approfondisci
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