sabato 17 febbraio 2024

Greenpeace Italy and ReCommon: “ENI chooses a consultant who has supported climate denialism to defend itself from climate lawsuit that sees it on trial”. First hearing tomorrow

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On the eve of the first hearing in the civil lawsuit filed last May 9 against ENI, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti and the Ministry of Economy and Finance by 12 Italian citizens, Greenpeace Italia and ReCommon, the two environmental associations in a report published today highlight how, in the climate litigation, ENI has asked for technical advice from personalities who are anything but independent.

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Greenpeace Italy and ReCommon: "ENI chooses a consultant who has supported climate denialism to defend itself from climate lawsuit that sees it on trial". First hearing tomorrow

On the eve of the first hearing in the civil lawsuit filed last May 9 against ENI, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti and the Ministry of Economy and Finance by 12…

Greenpeace Italy

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